Organisation and Systems
7 Lenses Maturity MatrixTake a look at the 7 lenses of the Maturity Matrix - Vision, Design, Plan, Transformation Leadership, Collaboration, Accountability, and People. LEARN MORE | |
Becoming a Deliberately Developmental OrganisationDeliberately Developmental Organisations (DDOs) are organised around the simple but radical conviction that organisations will best prosper when they are more deeply aligned with people’s strongest motive, which is to grow. This discussion guide delves deep into the worlds of 3 leading companies that embody this breakthrough approach, revealing design principles, concrete practices, and the underlying science at the heart of DDOs. LEARN MORE | |
Future of Organisations and Implications for OD practitionersThe future of the OD field depends on whether our practices are staying with or ahead of the intense and complex shifts in the environment. This article by Dr Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge discusses about the macro trends that are shaping, how they impact the future of work and the potential implications. LEARN MORE | |
Internal Organization Development Practitioners- Where Do They Belong?This article was written in 2004 where there was a time when OD seemed to be languishing. Large consulting firms were doing well but OD as a field was not. One reason may be that OD was less connected with its roots, especially those grounded in academia, namely, theory and research where new ideas often emerge. Another reason may be structural. Most internal OD practitioners were buried within the HR function, maybe still are today. Find out more from Prof Warner Burke on his thoughts on this. LEARN MORE | |
Is LOVE an important ingredient in organisations?An insight on whether LOVE is an important aspect in organisations and the OD practice by Dr Mee-Yan Cheung-Judge. Find out how LOVE can be a key ingredient in organisational life and what does that imply for HR/OD practitioners. LEARN MORE | |
Six Assertions for Succeeding in OrganizationsThis article by Geoffrey Bellman, is based on his book "THE BEAUTY OF THE BEAST: Breathing New Life into Organizations". When seeing the Beauty of the organisation, we discover what it is like to pursue life within the organisation, commiting to our plans despite the unknown, moving towards the future ready and eager to learn. While facing the Beast, it enables us to be renewed and have respect for the past, find the motivation to move towards change, and understand how to overcome reisstance to change. LEARN MORE | |
The Systems Thinker: What is your organization's core theory of success?In this article by Daniel H. Kim, he talks about how managers in today's organisations are continually confronted with new challenges and increased performance expectations while at the same time being bombarded by a bewldering array of management ideas, tools and methods. LEARN MORE | |
Total System PowerWhat can each of us as Developers, Fixers, Integrators, and Validators do within our multiple roles as Tops, Middles, Bottoms and Customers to create a system with the outstanding capacity to survive and develop. LEARN MORE |